One Cap Super Eagles Winger Shades Light On How He Was Used To Destroy Bayern Munich Last Weekend


The 22nd round of games will be played in the German Bundesliga this weekend with Bayer Leverkusen still leading the pack with a five points gap over reigning champions Bayern Munich, OwnGoalNigeria.comreports.

Bayer Leverkusen opened up the gap after a 3-0 win over the champions last weekend. A game which head coach of the leaders Xavi Alonso took their opponent by suprise in his starting lineup.

Alonso handed a start to Nathan Tella, the one cap Nigeria international who was signed from English Championship side Southampton in the summer for a fee in the region of €20m, a fee that he commanded after his 17 goals helped powered his loan Burnley back to the English Premier the previous season.


It has taken a while for the 24 year old to find his feet, and now a lot of people are beginning to see the reason why he commanded that fee despite playing for a team in the English Championship.

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Against Bayern Munich, he was deployed in a rather strange role by Alonso in the sense that it requires him to track back and also be effective upfront. He responded with an assist in the big win. A role which left the Bayern confused.

“When you have a coach as smart and incredible as him,” explains the 24-year-old, “he can do anything.

“The way he conveys his ideas makes it very easy for all of us to understand straight away. We all go into the games with the self-confidence that no matter how we are lined up, we are capable of putting in a good performance and we were capable of it. That’s a good feeling.”

Mohammed Mowiz Suleiman
